Photo Courtesy of Brigham Young University′s Harold B. Lee Library Special Collections
Education, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago City College (Wright Branch, 1948), Brigham Young University (1952, B.S. Agronomy & Horticulture, 1958, M.A. Ancient Scripture & Hebrew), University of Chicago 1960-61, Near Eastern Studies, Brigham Young U. 1965, Ed. D. Educational Administration & Bible and Modern Scripture.
Teacher, L.D.S. Seminary & Institute C.S.S., Professor of Ancient Scripture, Utah State & B.Y.U. Prof. Harris’s three decades as a teacher and lecturer have also yielded three books and numerous articles in journals over the past four decades. Harris has also been a director and teacher of two six month Semester-Abroad Study Programs in Israel, and has been a teacher, guide and director, of numerous adult seminars in Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.
Participation in seminars on the BYU campus that produced papers and articles. Articles have appeared in the Improvement Era, in the Ensign, in the Epigraphic Society Journal (ESOP), in the Louisiana Mound Builders Journal, in ARARA (The American Rock Art Research Association Annual titled, American Indian Rock Art. and a book on Southwestern American Indian Rock Art was published in 1991, also in 1984 the University funded a research project that resulted in the J. R. Harris Collection of 80+ hyphocephali from the Egyptian collections of Egypt, Europe, and Great Britain, this preceded the publication of a book titled, The Facsimiles of the Book of Abraham, a Study of the Joseph Smith Egyptian Collection, in 1990., [While at the U. of Chicago, Harris had taken advantage of Egyptian studies under John A Wilson, and Helena Juliana Cantor.]
Excerpt from this source: https://net.lib.byu.edu/imaging/negev/jim.html