"I don’t remember the names of the selections he played that morning in the BYU Jerusalem Center, but I do remember the feelings, impressions and confirmations of the moment, doing as he suggested by listening, viewing and pondering."
Author: April Cobb
Jerusalem Center cancels 2020-21 semesters because of COVID-19 threat
The center announced the decision to student applicants by email. The note expressed “great regret” over the decision and said all options had been explored.
Elder Holland Shares Miracles That Made the Jerusalem Center Possible
“every possible opponent came out against the project”
Elder Holland Shares Stories about Construction and Future of the Jerusalem Center
“I do not use the word ‘miracle’ lightly,” Elder Holland said. “I’m in a calling, and I’m in a quorum that does not use the word lightly but knows what it means and knows the significance of when we’ve seen one.”
Prophet Russell M. Nelson Visits the Holy Land
"We invite all of God's children to come unto their Savior.”
Orson Hyde, the Holy Land, and Brigham Young University
David Whitchurch speaks in this BYU devotional about the history of the Church in the Holy Land, leading up to the BYU Jerusalem Center. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for taking time from your busy schedules to be here today. From years of personal experience I know the demands and pressures of attending a large...
Search out and find your classmates
We would love your help in gathering classmates. We are working along side the BYU Alumni Association to find contact information for everyone, but there are many who will be harder to find. You have a connection to your classmates and will often have an easier time of finding them. If you enjoy genealogy or...
We Do Not Lose Heart!
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself,...