1978 Winter

1978 Winter

Students in the Winter 1978 group studied in the Holy Land from January to June 1978 under the direction of S Kent and Gayle Brown, David Galbraith and D. Kelly Ogden. The students traveled to Paris, Egypt and Jordan on their way to Israel. The Jerusalem Center had not been built, so the group resided at the lovely Vienna Hotel for the first portion of their semester. The remaining weeks were spent at Degania Aleph Kibbutz (pruning banana trees), Kare Deshe, a week at the Sea of Galilee and finally Kibbutz Ramat Rachel. This was the first of many groups who made their permanent residence at Ramat Rachel for the following decade. Winter 1978 students were there for the 30th Anniversary of the creation of Israel and they all received a Euro rail pass and spent two weeks travelling through Europe on their way home. They still get together regularly for reunions after 40 years!.

If you attended during Winter 1978, you may submit additional material, such as memory books and quality photos for your group to stories@byujerusalemalumni.com

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